PNG and ACP 110th Summit – West Papua’s Time Has Come

Last week PNG’s Foreign Minister Patrick Pruaitch successfully chaired the110th Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Council and 9th Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 6 - 10 December 2019.

Opposition Leader and Vanimo Green River MP Belden Namah on the 11 October 2019 asked a series of questions relating to West Papua. 

He wanted the Prime Minister to inform the Parliament if he has advanced West Papua human rights issues at the United Nations, APEC, or any Pacific islands Forums or any other global leadership forum. 
‘ I heard the Prime Minister only talk about what he dreams of doing in PNG and he has not even spelt out one single foreign policy.’

The Opposition Leader pointed out the contradiction in which PNG was already in the conflict between Indonesia and its role as natural proxy to Melanesian brothers and sisters of West Papua, by default.

He also wanted the Prime Minister to inform Parliament of the Government’s foreign policy on West Papua and human rights concerns in West Papua.

In the aftermath of last week’s international event in which PNG’s Foreign Minister Patrick Pruaitch successfully chaired the110th Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Council and 9th Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 6 - 10 December 2019, the momentum for West Papua going forward is getting the nod, sustained, on home soil.  

ULMWP and therefore West Papua, is approaching freedom.

West Papua is walking in the shadows of Bougainville Referendum 2019.

The conversation on West Papua, if any, has become louder. 

(Photo caption: vocabulary on decolonization in the Pacific changed - heroes of West Papua revolution dead and alive; Oktovianus Pagau, journalist, died 2 years ago, 2017; ULMWP Chairman Benny Wenda, and PNG Foreign Minister Patrick Pruaitch, ACP 110th Summit, 79 ACP countries including PNG called for West Papua to be categorized by UN as global conflict; Global Flag Raising Day 1 December 2019, Yako Village, Vanimo; WPNCL Grand Congress 2019, Port Moresby 12 - 14 December 2019; PNG Opposition Leader Belden Namah - asked PM James Marape on PNG's foreign policy on West Papua)

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