Conspiracy theory or bible prophecy?

Conspiracy theory or bible prophecy?

Crawford School of Economics and Government ANU, Canberra
In his best seller, The Keys of This Blood – Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order (a non-fiction book),
Dr Malachi Martin reveals the untold story behind the Vatican’s role in the current geopolitical race to establish, maintain and control the first one-world government. Dr Martin was formerly a Vatican intelligence expert, a former Jesuit priest and professor at the Vatican’s Pontifical Biblical Institute. This book was one of 16, released by Dr. Martin before his sudden death in his New York apartment, in 1999.

Dr Martin describes a ‘competition’ (a winner-take-all race against time) between three global powers – Vatican (Catholicism), the USSR (Communism) and Capitalist West (lead by America). Pope John Paul II has been credited with the fall of communism in Europe as shown by the cover story of Time Magazine on Feb 24, 1992 – “Holy Alliance - How Reagan and the Pope conspired to assist Poland’s Solidarity
Movement and hasten the demise of Communism”.

Reagan of course was a willing Vatican accomplice (or an associate in wrongdoing) for worldwide dominance, so after his election in 1980 he quickly entered the war to get rid of a common enemy called ‘Communism’, which eventually crumbled in 1989.

On pages 15-16 of The Keys of This Blood Dr Martin writes that while this competition rages on, ‘most of us are not competitors’, but rather that ‘we are the stakes’.

That is, it concerns and will affect us, whether or not we are willing or ready. And the game, he says, ‘is about who will hold and wield the dual power of authority and control over each of us as individuals and over all of us together as a community’, meaning, the ‘world community’. And the competition is irreversible – there is no looking back!

Dr Martin further reveals the fearful effects of this competition. He writes, ‘our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations; our families and our jobs; our trade and commerce and money; our educational systems and our religions and our cultures; even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have always taken for granted - all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever. No one can be exempted from its effects. No sector of our lives will remain untouched’.

I referred to Dr Martin’s statement as cited above in a formal presentation to a group of students at the Crawford School in 2010, and one of them asked whether it was real or just some ‘Conspiracy Theory’. Of course the unbelieving world, the skeptics, the atheists and the lunatics alike, and those who are described as having ‘itching ears’, who prefer ‘fables’ (2 Timothy 4:3,

4) than the bible, will quickly resort to conspiracy theory labeling. But those who genuinely believe in biblical prophecies and truth will want to examine statements such as from Dr Martin in light of what the bible says (Acts 17:11).

Conspiracy is simply the act of planning something together secretly, usually to commit a wrongful act. A theory is a set of statements put together to try and explain an event in life, and has to be proven before it is accepted. These brief definitions should help to explain what a conspiracy theory is. But is Dr Martin just dreaming in his non-fiction – The Keys of This Blood?

Is he a conspiracy theorist, or is he actually exposing the facts that none of us would have imagined, thought about, or bothers to worry over– even today?
This week I received a couple of emails circulated by two Reserve Bank officials and one from a close friend within one of our prominent aid organisations concerning the IMF’s attempts to move away from the US dollar toward a global currency and the role of the so-called SDR (Special Drawing Rights) – though the SDR may only be a transitional currency to something higher – plausibly a global currency(?). This calls into question the issue of our national currency (Vatu), which is tied to our national pride, sovereignty, and our nationalistic exercise of ‘authority and control’ as wrote Dr Martin.

While visiting America in 1976, Pope John Paul II spoke before an audience in New York City and this is what this obscure Polish archbishop had to say: “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through”. He referred to ‘a test of two thousand years of culture and Christian civilization, with all of its consequences...for the rights of nation’. No one took notice of him back then. Why would anyone in the land of plenty, listen to a lone figure hailing from an isolated country that carries no geopolitical significance to the mighty
USA? Besides, the old system of nation states still preoccupied the minds of leaders.

Today, 35 years later, Karol Wojtyla’s statement seems to make a lot of political, economic and biblical sense. Dr. Martin clearly warned that ‘our trade and commerce...our money’ will be ‘powerfully and radically altered forever’ and that we will not be exempted from its effects. We cannot escape it. One of the friends who emailed this week observed that if the replacement of the USD eventuates (with a global currency), then we can bid farewell to the Reserve Bank of Vanuatu and to the Vatu. I will reserve my comments here, but one thing is clear: the old idea of sovereign nation states is rotting away, fast. ‘The final movements will be rapid ones!’

Does the bible have anything to say about all this? Yes it does. Revelation 13:17 refers to the whole world being prohibited to buy and sell (which is echoed in Dr. Martin’s warnings about our trade, commerce and money) unless one receives the mark of the beast (MOB). While interpretations of the MOB differ, Dr Martin referred to a competition between the three powers mentioned above. With Communism’s fall in 1989, only the other two competitors prevail – represented by the first and second beasts of Rev. 13. Was Dr Martin, also known as Father Martin, aware of Revelation 13? Well, if he was a priest, an advisor to two Popes, and professor at the Vatican’s Biblical Institute, of course he would have read and possibly re-read Rev.13 before publishing his compelling book.

The email I received concluded with these three statements, ‘We do not want a one-world economy’, ‘We do not want a one world currency’, and ‘We do not want a one-world central bank’. Interesting opposition, but maybe not for far too long! Russian communism might be dead, but the Humanist Manifesto of the UN is very similar to that of the Communist Manifesto – the care for and control of one people – a global community – therefore the inevitable march toward a one-world government, one-world economy, one world currency, one-world church, and one-world everything.

Oh, by the way, in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar which was interpreted by young Daniel, Iron Rome remains at the end of time and continues the competition described by Dr/Fr Malachi Martin. Only this time, God has the final say!

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