WEST PAPUA: LATEST REPORT FROM PUNCAK JAYA, INDONESIA MILITARY SWEEPING OPERATION IN TINGINAMBUT By By Piron Moribnak . May 20, 2010, 16:04 Email this article Printer friendly page LATEST REPORT FROM PUNCAK JAYA By Piron Moribnak . This report is in two parts. The first relates to the targets of joint TNI and Police sweeping operations in Tingginambut and the second provides the chronology of the shooting and funeral of Werius Telenggen dan Yarton Enumbi. Part One: Joint TNI and Police Operation Plan and Targets The Indonesian government, through the TNI and POLRI are planning a violent sweeping operation in June 2010. Its goal is to provide income to GOLIAT Tabuni and the soldiers in the district of Tingginambut. In meetings between the local government and the military in May, police and military officials requested that all members of the local community and church, including youth, traditional leaders and village heads move out of the area of the military district of Tingginambut by 27-28 June 2010. The final date to have moved is 28 June 2010, because after that date this district will become a military operations area (DOM -Daerah Operasi Militer) in which the police and military will conduct sweeping operations in the villages, forests and even caves. This very stern announcement made by the TNI and POLRI stated that after 28 June 2010, any person in the area - whether armed or not - will be killed in a 'scorch the earth' policy. TNI and POLRI will take brutal action. They have no regard to human rights and will kill indiscriminately. As evidence of this fact, even before this operation began, the military killed two human rights activists, Warius Telenggen dan Yarton Enumbi on 17 May 2010 in the village of Yambi. GIDI Churches in Yogorini, Pilia, Yarmukum have been burnt to the ground by the police and military. The GIDI Church at Yarmukum was a newly built church with seating capacity of 500, which had not yet been officially opened for prayer. It is reported that the military set the church alight while some parishoners were sleeping inside. The attack by the military and police on a house of god illustrates clearly their brutality. THE SHOOTING OF WERIUS TELENGGEN AND YARTON ENUMBI On Monday, 17 May 2010 TNI forces surrounded upstream river YAMBI in the area where members of independence activists live under their leader, Werius Telenggen. The attack began at 5.00am. The target of the attack was Werius Telenggen, who was shot dead. Most of the rest of the group members escaped, except for one OPM/TPM member, YARTON ENUMBI, who was also shot several times by TNI soldiers. It is understood he died shortly afterwards at the scene. The bodies of the two men were later taken to general hospital in Mulia . The local community was too scared to leave their homes for the rest of the day because of the attacks and continued military presence in the area. The hospital was monitored by TNI and POLRI forces, with staff and visitors being escorted by police and military officers. The bodies of the murdered men were not returned to their families until 9.00am, who were supported by church leaders. The military-style funeral was provided by the students of Alkitab School of Lani Language and the Evangelical Church in Mulia. Church leaders decided that Werius Telenggen would be buried in in front of the Evangelical Church of Indonesia in Mulia. The community and church leaders decided to bury the men there in recognition of their roles as heros of the struggle for human rights for the people of Papua. Warius was buried in Mulia on 18 May 2010. Church leaders also announced that if any further TPN/OPM members are shot during the forthcoming military operation on 29 June, they too will be buried together in Mulia as heros of the Papuan people who sacrificed their lives for the struggle for freedom of the nation, in accordance with the wishes of the local community. Commander XVII Trikora, Major General TNI Hotma Marbun issued a statement that the sovereign nation of Indonesian begins from Sabang and ends in Merauke and will not be divided or split up. From the beginning until now, history has proven that Papuan independence cannot and will never be achieved. I guarantee that while the TNI is present here, this cannot and will not happen. Only when the TNI is dead and gone, will independence be possible. Source: Cendrawasih Post, 18 May 2010. This statement affirms that the Unitary Republic of Indonesia can only be defended by a strong miliary (TNI). Is it true that Papua will never be independent while the military controls the nation? If so, how could East Timor, which is now the independent state of Timor Leste, gain its independence in 1999 irrespective of the strength of military presence? With this report, we attach some photos of the bodies and their burial in Papua, which was organied and attended by the people of Puncak Jaya and their church leaders. It is difficult to get access to the region since the shootings, the military is maintaining tight control of the area. We take action because we value ourselves and we value our people. We value ourselves because we are the owners of this land and we take action because freedom and human rights are the right of all peoples, because all of us have equal rights and are equal before God. The Indonesian government has come to loot our land, to burn our homes and to kill our people. Is there not a nation in this world that will support our right to determine our own future and exercise our right to self-determination? We request assistance and advocacy from people everywhere to take action to protect us from extinction at the hands of the Indonesian government. Others like Werius will be killed in the same way in the struggle to protect and maintain the people of Papua and our nation without support from the international community.

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