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Act Party leader's endorsement of Welfare Working Group  - 23 hours
Act Party leader David Seymour's support for the Welfare Working Group's proposal to link children's vaccination to parental benefits is ...

8 awesome paid iPhone apps on sale for free for a limited time BGR News via Yahoo! News  - 18 hours
We had a particularly great list of paid iPhone and iPad apps for you on Tuesday, and a bunch of them can still be downloaded for free if you ...

Guest column by Jeremiah Keenan | Flowers, cake and the RFRA Daily Pennsylvanian  - 5 hours
In last Tuesday's Toe the Line, Carter Skeel argued that Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act is a reasonable law.

Earth Day: scientists say 75% of known fossil fuel reserves must stay in ground Environmental Data Interactive Exchange  - 15 hours
Three-quarters of known fossil fuel reserves must be kept in the ground if humanity is to avoid the worst effects of climate change, a group ...

New Orleans goes smoke-free: a breath of fresh air or a blow to its character? The Guardian  - 18 hours
While some see a ban on indoor smoking as a threat to the freewheeling city's famed nightlife – and a source of noise nuisance – others sense ...

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