Vanuatu is not promoting separatisim.

 Vanuatu is promoting the right of the Papuans to self determination in accordance with international law. This right was breached and now we have all these problems. Unless a proper exercise of that fundamental rights is conducted by the UN in accordance with international law there will always be problems and Vanuatu will always raise these complaint. Right to self determination is a fundamental human right and it’s in the preamble of the United Nation charter. It is one of the foundations on which the United Nation is build on and all Member states including Indonesia must take it seriously. History shows that Indonesia has abused this fundamental principle of the United Nation in the case of Timor Leste when they invaded in December 1975. What the world needs to know and be reminded is that 13 years earlier in 1962 they did the same to West Papua and never allowed Papuans to exercise their right to self determination which requires one person one vote under international law then and now. Vanuatu is right to push United Nation to correct this gross injustice and denial of human rights of the Papuan people. Until then we will never be quite. 

Java has nothing to offer our people of West Papua. They have no gold, no copper, no oil, no gas, no timber, no fish, no kaukau, no pigs, no clean water, no clean air, no land nothing to offer West Papuans. We don’t need Javanese for anything. They should go back home to Java. We are generous people and we will think of them and help them when we are independent. 

Nogat Kundu or bilum tu. Pipia lain

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