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Texas Town First of Many to Switch to 100% Renewable Power Nasdaq - 12 hours
Texas Town First of Many to Switch to 100% Renewable Power
Riverside Church sues city of St. Michael, claiming discrimination Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune - 6 hours
Riverside Church of Big Lake has sued the city of St. Michael, claiming it discriminated against the church when it refused to let it open a ...
Exclusive! Cardinal tells PM: 'Walk the talk' rediff.com - 21 hours
'The BJP had ruled earlier too, but nothing of this sort happened then... I don't say the government is behind the attacks, but they don't do ...
Indiana's RFRA National Catholic Reporter - 16 hours
Indiana's newly minted Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) has provoked more controversy than its authors bargained for, and more ...
Texas Town First Of Many To Switch To 100 Percent Renewable Power Nasdaq - 20 hours
Texas Town First Of Many To Switch To 100 Percent Renewable Power
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